Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An open letter concerning the Public meeting between the boards of Cape Vincent and Lyme

  Sorry we haven't yet met but I’m a outspoken anti-wind energy activist from eastern Wayne County.  I was in CV for the Oct 23.  .

My wife and I got started fighting terrestrial wind several years ago here in Wayne Co. and our battle eventually included offshore wind factories with NYPA. We have lots of anti-wind contacts across NYS. We are also highly against fracking and feel fracking is actually far worse than wind factories. Thanks for your efforts with Pandora's Box of Rock and keep up the excellent work.

 We attended the Cape Vincent wind workshop meeting Tuesday evening - (Oct 23)
  between British Petroleum and the town boards & planning boards of CV and neighboring Lyme as well as the anti-wind project protest march earlier in the day in Cape Vincent village. 

The protest march started about 4 pm in a town park across the street from the BP wind office. Shortly the march ended directly in front of BP’s CV office with about 20 people participating. Horns from passing cars approved the action and chanting, signs were available for those that may have not brought their own and news media videoed the activity too.

Eventually, the protesters moved several blocks to the meeting location at the CV
community recreation center - a nice new building. Seating for 200 people was available but those arriving late found standing room only. As this was designed to be a workshop meeting – the boards would NOT be taking questions or comments from the floor and this was well understood beforehand.

Richard Chandler, British Petroleum’s project manager for the proposed wind project in the town, represented BP. Chandler was the only one seated at the table reserved for BP and appeared to be young, clean cut, well spoken, knowledgeable college grad type.

Richard Chandler

There were at least 3 dozen wind supporters attending as they came dressed in their bright green t-shirts and they all sat together in one part of the room.
Wind supporters in green shirts

 The police were outside in the parking lot if needed but fortunately there was no call for them as everyone was civil in contrast to past CV wind meetings where behavior sometimes was anything but civil.
Protesters outside
Following Chandler’s comments – each TB and PB member from both towns was individually allowed to make their own comments on this project and virtually none of them supported the project. (note – the town of Lyme would be where the turbine transmission line would pass through but no turbines are planned to be located there in this project) Chandler was reminded that BP officials and wind supporters were given numerous chances to come before numerous CV public meetings on the wind issue under the new TB – but not one person supporting wind ever did attend even one of the meetings – especially the meetings developing the zoning laws. One CV TB member made the best comments of the evening – that NYS elected officials failed the state and its people. (meaning the taking away of home rule from the people of NYS)

After all comments were given – questions from the TB and PB members were asked of Chandler. Some questions he answered but many he gave no answer or an evasive answer, which elicited a negative response from many in the crowd. The change in NYS law last year, creating a new Article X, was monumental as it took away home rule and the way the law was passed is so very disgusting and defines Gov. Cuomo as the scoundrel he is. Chandler did everything but take the Fifth Amendment. The whole 2-hour meeting was video recorded and is available to view at Steve Weed productions - right now.

 Both CV and Lyme town boards & zoning boards left no doubt in anyone's mind, especially Chandler's mind,  they would pursue the town zoning laws as far as necessary - the zoning laws prevent BP’s wind factory. Lyme would host the transmission line but no turbines yet. I interpret this attitude to mean that both towns will pursue the matter through the NYS courts system to the highest level, if necessary, to keep the wind factory from being developed – and this is what should happen. This whole matter is extremely important as its likely to become the first case considered by the unelected 5 bureaucrats in Albany to decide yea or nay for BP's wind factory in CV as a result of the disgusting Article X section of the Power NY Law of 2011.

I have attached a few photos from the day’s activities – Chandler is in the blue shirt, no tie. Please note many people at the meeting holding up BP GO HOME signs. People in neon-green shirts are the greedy wind zealots.

I’ll end this with a little BP history. BP blowout in Gulf of Mexico, Deep Horizon; 11 workers killed. BP officials said they expect the company to pay out approximately $7.8 billion as a settlement with more than 100,000 plaintiffs who are suing the oil giant and others for their role in the spill. This does not include the settlement with the US government which is expected to be between $18B and $21B. BP’s board appears to be the stubborn ones; they want a $15 billion settlement. BP may be very worst polluter in history - with a record like this who could possibly want them doing business in their community?

Al Isselhard 

Wolcott, New York

Great Lakes Concerned Citizens
Great Lakes Wind Truth
Coalition On Article X

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