Tuesday, February 19, 2013

More questions concerning letters to the Public Service Commission

Re: Case12-F-0410 Cape Vincent Wind Power

Dear Acting Secretary Cohen:

Recently, the Cape Vincent Town Board told you:

Specifically, we would recommend that BP make available to the Siting Board and its staff and the public a list of their leaseholders and individuals with good neighbor agreements, so that we can all better understand the special influence that BP has on those voices that support their efforts.

And in the next paragraph said this:

Please understand the Town is not suggesting BP's paid supporters should not be heard in the Article 10 process. They should, of course, be heard. However, to better gauge the relative public support for the Cape Vincent project, it is incumbent on the Siting Board and staff to know what proportion of BP's project support is linked to their financial agreements.

If you go to the website of the Lyme-Cape Vincent Voters for Wind you will read the following rules for becoming a member:


"We welcome new members. To become a member you must meet the following qualifications for membership: an existing member of Voters For Wind that is in good standing must sponsor prospective members. Each member must complete and sign an application providing contact information. This will be submitted with the application fee at the time of application. Additionally, qualifications for membership include a signed statement committing to publicly support the efforts and the mission of Voters for Wind. Applications for membership will be approved by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of Voters for Wind. Individual membership applications may be rejected if the prospective member has publicly denounced a renewable energy project supported by Voters for Wind as a whole. Upon notification a prospective members acceptance into membership, attendance at the next regular meeting is encouraged."

In their PIP program, British Petroleum said they were working locally with Trieste Associates and Voters for Wind. Voters for Wind was organized with the help of and is under strong advisement by Marion Trieste of Trieste Associates. Voters for Wind membership appears to be mostly BP leaseholders with a few non leaseholders who may possibly be rewarded for their support they give and the work they do for BP's project.

When Voters for Wind comment to the PSC it is possible that they are doing so as a matter of direct financial interest rather than a sincere effort to make you believe that the entire communities of the Lyme and Cape Vincent are supportive of the BP proposal.

Thank you.


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